Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

Let's talk the HOT toppic all around the internet. How is your country acting in face of Corona? and how does it feel to you?

What do you think this virus is and for what purpose?

Some people believe that it was released in China by USA as revenge, that now turned entirely wrong. |Some people say that it is god's punishment for whatsoever. What is your opinion?

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It is the attempt by the Dark forces to control the population by lockdown and unemployment. They are running scared from the forces of Light working for and with us. Tomorrow is a big day. Saturday the 4th. Mediate your intentions that the virus be destroyed and the Dark forces overcome. Freedom is near now. Every mind is needed. 

Hmmm, I don't see any importance in dates and numbers... and I was in very very bad mode today.

Then perhaps you are influenced by the planetary events? Jupiter conjunct Pluto boding well for a change in our currently destructive path as long as we apply intention? Venus in good aspect to open our hearts and a cluster in Capricorn to give us strength and purpose. Now is the time to take our world back from the greedy and return it to the old ways of the Children of Dana. I send you light to lift your dark mood. 

This process cN be very difficult especially when powerfully transmuting energy or battling in the astral. Sending You uplifting light and my love xo

Morell Sunweaver said:

Hmmm, I don't see any importance in dates and numbers... and I was in very very bad mode today.

There is order behind the apparent chaos happening on Earth, those and planetary events mean little to me. It is having periods, which drives me insane, and literally. Melkor already was sorting my mind back, twice, from it. And I still cannot find out how to get rid of it. I need to get rid of it. That's what would be of help.

The greatest help that I could offer would be for you to call upon Melkor's brother, Manwe, he who best knows the mind of Iluvatar. Within the light there is much more wisdom. Though Melkor had greatest power, that he now exists beyond the Door of Night, speaks to the fact that light always overcomes darkness. As so it is.  

Melkor was allowed back on Arda at 2003, that I'm sure about, he's living on other solar system no more. What people know about the valar is filtered and is understood slightly different than it should be.

But I'm afraid that Tolkien misunderstood some things a little himself. I don't blame him or anyone. I study occult, Tolkien did not. He studied myths. They are keys to occult and spiritual truths there, indeed, but to see them as they are requires knowledge... putting hints together and solving the riddle.

Do you know what is the light you are referring to?

To me, light is positivity, hope, connectivity, generosity, responsibility, and humility. These are not things that Melkor espoused. As Manwe reflected the part of Eru's mind that held generosity, the light, Melkor reflected the opposite, greed and self-service alone, the dark. I hope this does not disturb or insult you, for that is not my intent. But I have no attraction to the dark or to gain at the expense of others.

It’s quite a Fantastical moment when nothing and everything makes sense.
If you have the chance to watch the movie Crazywise, I recommend it. Here’s link to the trailer https://youtu.be/ou5Zb_sYZyg  

Well, not wrong, but all those are mere consequences of the true archetype of light, rather than light itself, which is knowledge and order/law. Light comes from fire that sends it into the space, that is how the universe itself was created, through the big bang, the light that made order in the space.

Manwe and Melkor are in many aspects like Odin and Loki and Loki's not evil either. An enemy of light is christian concept that marrows Tolkien's wisdom, but still it allows much, but not deep spirituality that grants growth, which is blocked in Tolkien's work. That growth requires darkness that was blocked away. Loki is Odin's brother but also his shadow, part of his soul in a way. While Odin grants order and judges who is worthy, Loki allows their individuality to express and allows the path beyond our bounds. The same is what Melkor allows. You have to go him into darkness to burst your own fire and get into order. Melkor is Fire spirit, not Manwe.

Oh, BTW, from my personal experience Melkor reflects all those things. Sometimes his humility its limits, but that is because he just won't let anyone believe that they can order him around in any way.

Back to the light, when you have true knowledge, all those aspects you named, come naturally from it, you don't have to learn them, once you know enough of true knowledge, you will be tolerant, loving, etc. so naturally that it might even surprise you. And you will have even more than those aspects.

Roxanne Victor said:

To me, light is positivity, hope, connectivity, generosity, responsibility, and humility. These are not things that Melkor espoused. As Manwe reflected the part of Eru's mind that held generosity, the light, Melkor reflected the opposite, greed and self-service alone, the dark. I hope this does not disturb or insult you, for that is not my intent. But I have no attraction to the dark or to gain at the expense of others.

Yes, that movie was very nice to see.

Tara Pelton said:

It’s quite a Fantastical moment when nothing and everything makes sense.
If you have the chance to watch the movie Crazywise, I recommend it. Here’s link to the trailer https://youtu.be/ou5Zb_sYZyg  

Regarding Tolkien, I am among the many that believe he was channeling the higher realms not just writing fantasy based upon his religious beliefs. He even admitted that his work often conflicted with his church. As regards Melkor, I find it hard to trust that he had/has any humility. He was never ordered around, neither were any of the other Valar. He was only expected to be part of the whole, equal and unique, but he chose to pursue domination. Even cruelty. And it is my understanding that EA was created by song, vibration, as opposed to light which is actually a result of the music. 

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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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