Elven World Healing Arts Community

Nature Inspired Healing Arts & Spirituality

The Sacred Spring Meditation ~ from the book The Crystal Heart  - A Practical Guide to Healing the Heart Centre with Crystals by Ra Bonewitz PhD


To be in touch with the deepest level of your own heart, the energy pattern that is at the core of your Being.


Choose a crystal for this meditation to which you feel a response deep in your heart center.  Try to look for a physical sensation in the heart when tuning in.  In the meditation the crystal is placed over the heart.


To be drawn into the very deepest level of your own Being, and to see reflected back to you, the energy pattern that is your Beingness.

In ancient times, the water source for a city was often within the city walls, and reached through a very deep well.  These wells were often more than just vertical shafts - they were proper tunnels, with stairs leading down into them.  Our sacred spring will be in such a location.

Go into your mind then to some ancient place - a place where you feel a sacred connection.  This can be a real place or an imagined one.  Whatever place you go to, find a doorway, a doorway that opens into a sloping tunnel, that leads to a sacred spring.  Create the kind of doorway you might expect to find in such a place:  an elaborate doorway, the entrance to a temple, or whatever image you would see for such a sacred place.

As you walk up to the door, you may sense that you would like to carry out some sort of ritual, or some sort of personal cleansing as you are about to enter a holy place.  When you have done so, enter the doorway and begin walking downward.  There is a passageway, a sloping tunnel that leads deep into the earth.  It is a wide passageway, with stairs and a slope that is comfortable to walk down.  It is warm and dry in this passageway, and it is spacious enough that there is no sense of confinement.

As the light of day fades behind you, the lighting in the passageway will be provided by candles, giving it a warm and soft glow.  You will hear the echo of your footsteps, as you go deeper and deeper into the earth.

Give yourself plenty of time and really try and sense the depth - deeper, and deeper and deeper, and deeper still.

Eventually, when you feel you have reached the very depths, you will begin to hear a gentle sound of water trickling.  You know that you are approaching the sacred spring, and the pool that lies at its feet.  As you reach the deepest part of the tunnel, you will find that it opens into a large room, with a beautiful pool of  candlelit water, surrounded by a sandy beach, and by a number of seats which surround the pool.  You are there by yourself, but you may know that this is the same life source for many.

Seat yourself next to the pool, and just feel the energy that comes upward with the spring - the waters of life.  As you watch the pool, you will eventually notice that there is a faint glow in the water which begins to get brighter as you watch it.  You know that there is no fear about what you are going to see, but you certainly may have other feelings that are appropriate to express.

The glow becomes even brighter and you suddenly sense that something is rising out of the water from the very depths.  As you watch, a glowing figure rises from the water.  It is not in human form, being made up of mostly points of light, but you will be aware that radiating from this figure of light is an intense feeling of joy and love.  You will realize, that in the depths of your Being, this is who you really are.

There may be some communication from this Being of light, or there may not, but in either case there will be a moment when you sense you have been in the presence of this Being for a sufficient amount of time.  At that time, the Being will sink into the depths once again, leaving you alone in the candlelit chamber.

When you sense completion, allow yourself time to digest your experience, and when you are ready, return to the surface.  Allow plenty of time to return to the surface, and if you have experienced any deep emotional feelings throughout this meditation, lie down, lie on your left side and allow the experience to integrate.

Journalling can be helpful in this experience.

Text from the book The Crystal Heart  - A Practical Guide to Healing the Heart Centre with Crystals by Ra Bonewitz PhD


https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/2311679344?profile=original"><img class="align-center" src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/2311679344?prof...; width="300"/></a><br/></b></p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><b>Purpose...</b><br/><br/>The purpose of meditation is to allow us to become more in touch with the deepest levels of our own hearts...this divine energy pattern is at the core of our very Being...as we become more and more in touch with this space we become more and more in touch with divine creation.<br/><br/><b>Crystal...</b><br/><br/>To enhance your experience of the meditation you may like to choose a crystal or a stone...these divine matrixes are the bones and living cells of our mother earth... try and choose a crystal to which you feel a response deep in your heart center....feel the physical sensation in the heart when tuning in to your crystal and to mother earth...  In the meditation the crystal is placed over the heart.</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">If crystals don't share a resonance with you then just tune into your heart center...</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><b>Programme...</b><br/><br/>The process of meditation drawns us into the very deepest level of our own Being, and we see reflected back to us our own inner beauty, the energy pattern that is our unique Beingness.</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">We will begin our meditation by relaxing into our own space....</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Take a few slow, deep breaths</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Become aware of any tension around your eyes...unfocus them until they feel very soft...</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Listen passively to sounds from the outside that are reaching you...just allow them to be in your consciousness without trying to identify with them..</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">If you identify with a particular mantra, or positive word, become the word or mantra, feel it in your heart and soul...</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Become aware of your breathing, without changing it in any way....</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">I like to say this mantra...</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">I breathe in peace.....I breath out love</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Feel your body gently relaxing, letting go of any tension in the mind relieves any tension within the body....you are becoming lighter and brighter with every breath..</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Your muscles have become soft, loose and you are comfortable within your own body...</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">We are all becoming more and more relaxed...deeply relaxed....we are letting go and feeling at ease with our surroundings...we are becoming warm and heavy....we feel our bodies settling into the earth energies....we are feeling a deeper connection to mother earth ….we let go more deeply, more completely, more profoundly....we feel loved, we feel at peace...everything is perfect....we reach out and we know love for humanity, for mother earth, for all that is....</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><b>The meditation begins.....</b><br/><br/>In ancient times, the water source for a city was often within the city walls, and reached through a very deep well.  These wells were often more than just vertical shafts - they were proper tunnels, with stairs leading down into them.  Our sacred spring will be in such a location.....<br/><br/>Travel deeply into your mind, into your own sanctuary...become aware of an ancient place - a place where you feel a sacred connection.  This can be a real place or an imagined one.  Whatever place you go to, find a doorway.... a doorway that opens into a sloping tunnel...this tunnel leads to a sacred spring.  Create the kind of doorway you might expect to find in such a place:  an elaborate doorway, the entrance to a temple, or whatever image you would see for such a sacred place.<br/><br/>As you walk up to the door, you may sense that you would like to carry out a ritual, or some sort of personal cleansing as you are about to enter a holy place.  When you have done so, enter the doorway and begin walking downward. </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">There is a passageway...... a sloping tunnel that leads deep into the earth.  It is a wide passageway, with stairs and a slope that is comfortable to walk down.  It is warm and dry in this passageway, and it is spacious enough that there is no sense of confinement.<br/><br/>As the light of day fades behind you, the lighting in the passageway will be provided by candles, giving it a warm and soft glow.  You will hear the echo of your footsteps, as you go deeper and deeper into the earth.<br/><br/>Give yourself plenty of time and really try and sense the depth - deeper, and deeper and deeper, and deeper still.<br/><br/>Eventually, when you feel you have reached the very depths, you will begin to hear a gentle sound of water trickling....  You know and feel that you are approaching the sacred spring, and the pool that lies at its feet. </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">As you reach the deepest part of the tunnel, you will find that it opens into a large room, with a beautiful pool of  candlelit water.....surrounded by a sandy beach, and by a number of seats which surround the pool. </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">You are there by yourself for the present time but you may begin to see or feel the presence of other souls...they too have entered this sanctuary, the space within their deepest heart....as your awareness deepens it is possible to feel the presence of others on this journey....this pool of love manifest will be the same life source for all...this is a place for sharing and growing within your own special divinity...If others are there in this sacred place with you, you become aware of their divinity, of their love, for each precious breath that we share on mother earth.<br/><br/>Seat yourself next to the pool, and just feel the energy that comes upward from the spring - the waters of life are rich with peace and loving. </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">As you watch the pool, you will eventually notice that there is a faint glow in the water which begins to get brighter as you watch it.  You begin anticipating and tuning into that which you are about to see, feel, and sense...</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">You may have feelings that are appropriate to express to your inner divine being or to those that are present at the spring with you...You may remember something important at the end of the meditation that you would like to journal, maybe an insight about your life at this present time...<br/><br/>The glow from the water becomes even brighter and you suddenly sense that there is something rising out of the water from the very depths of the sacred pool.  As you watch, a glowing figure rises from the water.  It is not in human form..... being made up of mostly points of light, but you will be aware that radiating from this figure of light is an intense feeling of joy and love.  You will realize, that in the depths of your Being, this is who you really are.<br/><br/>There may be some communication from this Being of light, or there may not, but in either case there will be a moment when you sense you have been in the presence of this Being for a sufficient amount of time.  At that time, the Being will sink into the depths once again....you may be alone or with several others in the candlelit chamber.<br/><br/>When you sense completion, allow yourself time to digest your experience, and when you are ready, return to the surface.  Allow plenty of time to return to the surface, and if you have experienced any deep emotional feelings throughout this meditation, lie down, lie on your left side and allow the experience to integrate.</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">As your everyday consciousness returns, tune into the sounds around you......take a few deep breaths, stretch and relax your body...open your eyes, look around your space and know that you are a being of deep spiritual love...you are appreciated for your uniqueness... you are divinity incarnated onto this earth plane...you encompass all love, you are all peace, you are all joy.....you are bliss itself....</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Thank you for sharing this sacred time today</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">with deep appreciation for mother earth and to each spirit sharing in this moment</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">God bless</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">love to all</p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Tai<br/><br/><br/>Text from the book <strong>The Crystal Heart (with modifications and additions) - A Practical Guide to Healing the Heart Centre with Crystals by Ra Bonewitz PhD</strong></p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> </p> <p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><a target="_self" href="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/2311679523?prof... class="align-center" src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/2311679523?prof...; width="284"/></a></p> </div> </div>" style="margin: 0px 35px 0.7em 0px; padding: 0px; line-height: inherit; font-size: 1em; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;">

Revised Edition for Gaia Minute Skype group


The Sacred Spring Meditation – modified from the book the crystal heart - 22ndApril – International Earth Day




The purpose of meditation is to allow us to become more in touch with the deepest levels of our own hearts...this divine energy pattern is at the core of our very Being...as we become more and more in touch with this space we become more and more in touch with divine creation.


To enhance your experience of the meditation you may like to choose a crystal or a stone...these divine matrixes are the bones and living cells of our mother earth... try and choose a crystal to which you feel a response deep in your heart center....feel the physical sensation in the heart when tuning in to your crystal and to mother earth...  In the meditation the crystal is placed over the heart.

If crystals don't share a resonance with you then just tune into your heart center...



The process of meditation drawns us into the very deepest level of our own Being, and we see reflected back to us our own inner beauty, the energy pattern that is our unique Beingness.


We will begin our meditation by relaxing into our own space....

Take a few slow, deep breaths

Become aware of any tension around your eyes...unfocus them until they feel very soft...

Listen passively to sounds from the outside that are reaching you...just allow them to be in your consciousness without trying to identify with them..

If you identify with a particular mantra, or positive word, become the word or mantra, feel it in your heart and soul...

Become aware of your breathing, without changing it in any way....

I like to say this mantra...

I breathe in peace.....I breath out love




Feel your body gently relaxing, letting go of any tension in the mind relieves any tension within the body....you are becoming lighter and brighter with every breath..


Your muscles have become soft, loose and you are comfortable within your own body...

We are all becoming more and more relaxed...deeply relaxed....we are letting go and feeling at ease with our surroundings...we are becoming warm and heavy....we feel our bodies settling into the earth energies....we are feeling a deeper connection to mother earth ….we let go more deeply, more completely, more profoundly....we feel loved, we feel at peace...everything is perfect....we reach out and we know love for humanity, for mother earth, for all that is....


The meditation begins.....

In ancient times, the water source for a city was often within the city walls, and reached through a very deep well.  These wells were often more than just vertical shafts - they were proper tunnels, with stairs leading down into them.  Our sacred spring will be in such a location.....

Travel deeply into your mind, into your own sanctuary...become aware of an ancient place - a place where you feel a sacred connection.  This can be a real place or an imagined one.  Whatever place you go to, find a doorway.... a doorway that opens into a sloping tunnel...this tunnel leads to a sacred spring.  Create the kind of doorway you might expect to find in such a place:  an elaborate doorway, the entrance to a temple, or whatever image you would see for such a sacred place.

As you walk up to the door, you may sense that you would like to carry out a ritual, or some sort of personal cleansing as you are about to enter a holy place.  When you have done so, enter the doorway and begin walking downward. 


There is a passageway...... a sloping tunnel that leads deep into the earth.  It is a wide passageway, with stairs and a slope that is comfortable to walk down.  It is warm and dry in this passageway, and it is spacious enough that there is no sense of confinement.

As the light of day fades behind you, the lighting in the passageway will be provided by candles, giving it a warm and soft glow.  You will hear the echo of your footsteps, as you go deeper and deeper into the earth.

Give yourself plenty of time and really try and sense the depth - deeper, and deeper and deeper, and deeper still.

Eventually, when you feel you have reached the very depths, you will begin to hear a gentle sound of water trickling....  You know and feel that you are approaching the sacred spring, and the pool that lies at its feet. 


As you reach the deepest part of the tunnel, you will find that it opens into a large room, with a beautiful pool of  candlelit water.....surrounded by a sandy beach, and by a number of seats which surround the pool. 


You are there by yourself for the present time but you may begin to see or feel the presence of other souls...they too have entered this sanctuary, the space within their deepest heart....as your awareness deepens it is possible to feel the presence of others on this journey....this pool of love manifest will be the same life source for all...this is a place for sharing and growing within your own special divinity...If others are there in this sacred place with you, you become aware of their divinity, of their love, for each precious breath that we share on mother earth.

Seat yourself next to the pool, and just feel the energy that comes upward from the spring - the waters of life are rich with peace and loving. 


As you watch the pool, you will eventually notice that there is a faint glow in the water which begins to get brighter as you watch it.  You begin anticipating and tuning into that which you are about to see, feel, and sense...


You may have feelings that are appropriate to express to your inner divine being or to those that are present at the spring with you...You may remember something important at the end of the meditation that you would like to journal, maybe an insight about your life at this present time...

The glow from the water becomes even brighter and you suddenly sense that there is something rising out of the water from the very depths of the sacred pool.  As you watch, a glowing figure rises from the water.  It is not in human form..... being made up of mostly points of light, but you will be aware that radiating from this figure of light is an intense feeling of joy and love.  You will realize, that in the depths of your Being, this is who you really are.

There may be some communication from this Being of light, or there may not, but in either case there will be a moment when you sense you have been in the presence of this Being for a sufficient amount of time.  At that time, the Being will sink into the depths once again....you may be alone or with several others in the candlelit chamber.

When you sense completion, allow yourself time to digest your experience, and when you are ready, return to the surface.  Allow plenty of time to return to the surface, and if you have experienced any deep emotional feelings throughout this meditation, lie down, lie on your left side and allow the experience to integrate.


As your everyday consciousness returns, tune into the sounds around you......take a few deep breaths, stretch and relax your body...open your eyes, look around your space and know that you are a being of deep spiritual love...you are appreciated for your uniqueness... you are divinity incarnated onto this earth plane...you encompass all love, you are all peace, you are all joy.....you are bliss itself....


Thank you for sharing this sacred time today

with deep appreciation for mother earth and to each spirit sharing in this moment

God bless

love to all


Text from the book The Crystal Heart (with modifications and additions) - A Practical Guide to Healing the Heart Centre with Crystals by Ra Bonewitz PhD


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Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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The Sacred Spring Meditation ~ from the book The Crystal Heart  - A Practical Guide to Healing the Heart Centre with Crystals by Ra Bonewitz PhD

Purpose...To be in touch with the deepest level of your own heart, the energy pattern that is at the core of your Being.Crystal...Choose a crystal for this meditation to which you feel a response deep in your heart center.  Try to look for a physical sensation in the heart when tuning in.  In the meditation the crystal is placed over the heart.Programme...To be drawn into the very deepest level of your own Being, and to see reflected back to you, the energy pattern that is your Beingness.In…See More
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