Elven World Healing Arts: GridWorker & Geo Artists, Sacred Geome

GridWorkers & GeoArtists, Sacred Geometry Nature inspired poetry, dance & song

You may notice people who add a video getting the white Youtube or camera image on their videos, this is because they are not adding the video to the site correctly..

Due to Youtube  new formating of embedded codes,the loading of these codes to the video section in here is creating a not very nice visual effect,they wont load the video showing images of the video itself, instead it only shows the red & white Youtube logo..Ning requires the loading to be done via top bar link only from now on..

Please see below how to load your youtube video's...

This is what is happening when you load with the embedded codes from Youtube videos..

Now Follow the correct instructions step by step..

1. Got to youtube and select your video you wish to share..

2. Copy paiste the top bar code of thus video

3. Bring the code to this website and click on videos from the top bar

4. load your videos with the top bar code only & then  press add video - see image below:

Views: 45

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Thanks, I tried this method copying the code from the top of the page


same thing happened Vlada, the white and red youtube picture loaded, so I deleted the video

Oh thats strange I wonder now if there is a Ning glitch let me find out, I'll go post a video and if it does the same then I'll contact Ning..if not then it must be the video itself the owners got incorrect setting on it maybe so it then isnt compatible on the Ning network maybe???..let me go find out..should have left it, cos I would have used the same video you did..but I'll use another to find out..be back soon..

Right we definitely have a glitch on site on loading videos,so I will put a ticket into Ning to clear it..thanks Julie leave your videos there and they will change automatically when its fixed, this has happened before..

Thanks Vlada, Ning glitches yes! lets hope Ning sort it out for the networks

Yeah I've put a ticket in for it, they havnt responded with any update as yet.only acknowledgment they were told of it..but this isnt the only glitch on sites, they must have been doing upgrades and yet it stuffed up things instead..one site I'm on is fully down for maintenance,the whole profile of it collapsed, I was like woah how bad can it get..

Ahhh yes, thanks Vlada, seems like Ning need a few nudges at times  to get the sites up and running again, and yes it seems like if they update other things go wrong.  Grateful for all you do here on site.  

Thank-you,glad your enjoying the Elvenworld website..I try my best to be creative,yet we cant please everyone at times, but then that's the human condition aye..

Looks like they have fixed the loading of Youtube Video issue,even though I wasn't told by them personally that they had..

of late I think Ning are really slacking off with their support of some of their websites, they all want us to move to the 03 format and pay them more money and when we dont they boycott us is this way..just by lack of help support..frustrating... but we arnt giving in and moving..

Yes I got that impression about Ning too.... it was a constant challenge looking after the poetry site as the creator was hardly there, then the site went without any warning as Gail must have stopped paying the fees

Terrible news about Ning.  If you all want to move to a different place it’s possible but it’s tremendous work and I don’t find a better place so far.  The other option is to have a small membership fee such which is doubtful or donations but we have few regular visitors.  The other option is for me to be a multi millionaire to support us all which is the one I’m working on, In earnest I am facing the work of that, cuz I love the place. Or we could offer courses or services. Meanwhile I have asked Ning many times to support these smaller sites like us, to no avail. I have given them thousands upon thousand of dollars from my meager teachers pay over almost two decades to Ning. It’s terrible news.  I rarely post here myself because there’s not much interested in my work, but I do feel it is important to keep the site open and alive for cultural reasons. Unless you have an idea I thank you for the contributions to the site and please make it go right to upload videos. Hopefully they will use the money to upgrade their software. Everyone needs to make a living too. Blessings.  Tara

Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry said:

Thanks, I tried this method copying the code from the top of the page


same thing happened Vlada, the white and red youtube picture loaded, so I deleted the video

Geepers Tara,we dont want to move off this site...you responded to Julie on a simple Yotube Ning glitch like its a major issue....yet its just Ning,its always had glitches on it from the time it was free,and always will have them..because they have always made glitches the more they try to upgrade their systems.

I've always had the belief if something is working ok then dont fiddle with it, let it be, not with Ning, they play around with things too much all in the effort of trying to better the sites, but the platform was fine on format 01..still is... which there arnt many on it,except me since 2010.. lol..thing is the platform is great, many people love it,but they dont like 03 format..they made it harder to navigate around it or to create the site profile itself even,and they dont help those with little pc knowledge to create the site profile either,so you would be left with a incomplete site looking just shit..

I still get sent notifications almost fortnightly asking me to move to it, I have saved them to archives the file is over flowing,so you'd think they would get the jist by now I'm not interested since I havn't responded back to any of their notices..

Sad when things like that happen and people cant be straight up and let you know aye,..like with me when the Writers Network suddenly vanished,people lost heaps of writings,they were crying I was in contact with some behind the scenes and it was horrible they felt ripped off...I luckily had managed to save some of mine to notepad but not all of them,but then I'm of the impression words are never ending anyway.. so just write more..each will be different and attract those who like to read anyway..Ning is a great network, just wish they would leave it alone and stop trying to make more money from it instead stuffing things up more as they go..

Taikunping avatar ~ Julie Parry said:

Yes I got that impression about Ning too.... it was a constant challenge looking after the poetry site as the creator was hardly there, then the site went without any warning as Gail must have stopped paying the fees


Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። replied to Steven Hutchinson's discussion Crystallizing Dreams - 432 Hertz Piano Healing Meditation in the group Breaking Limitations
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ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። replied to Steven Hutchinson's discussion Crystallizing Dreams - 432 Hertz Piano Healing Meditation in the group Breaking Limitations
"Yes its the same video Julie."
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