Elven World Starseeds

Soul Star Travelers, Elven World, Tuatha de Danann, EarthStar Nation

Tao Te Ching 47: The farther you go, the less you know – BEYOND THE DREAM

The Tao Of This Reivən..

Reflections from my work space on moving your soul forward..Pt1

When it comes to developing ones skills, I believe in a practical approach that comes from my 'higher self' aspect outwardly shared I'm going to touch on first and then follow with more talk on energy healing the souls on this planet & moving your soul forward etc.

As we humans go about our day to day grind, we are consumed with the mundane survival of paying our bills and just simply getting by.

Life can seem like a process of birth-school-work-death, with tiny moments of pleasure in between to make the inevitable, tolerable. We forget our own power. Our ability to LoVe, feel, heal, sense, and understand each other just gets overlooked... especially when simple things like peace and relaxation are hard to obtain in a urban surrounding.

Cynicism becomes our philosophy, with physical and emotional fatigue acting as guides to an inescapable fate. It's easy to see how and why the power and strength of the human being, the potential of every individual, is continuously overlooked and often out-right dismissed...connecting to our fellow man these days is becoming a mission on its own right, people tend to not listen to each other, talk over them even & not communicate effectively and generally this segregates themselves in their own little worlds of solitude. Not goody goody.. 

As a writer I am here to create and to understand, and the lessons I've found out sometimes come from nowhere and can completely break ones heart. I've stated before, "we live, we love... and we hurt."  It's only when we manage to reach the other side of heartache that the experience can be used as a tool for growth and understanding.

And the end never comes fast enough, does it?  From this perspective, it can be assumed that all of us have been haunted at one time or another by trauma acquired from our childhood  that weve now taken with us into our adulthood. We all have things we wished we could take back, things we could've said but didn't, something we could've done differently but now dont have the chance. At the end of the day, we would all like more time... time to set things right. For some, the regret never fully goes away.

Whenever someone is ready for me to do some energy work along with them in my line of work, I often see their physical body as a network of trauma & emotions.. [the empath in me allows me to look deeper than a normal person would]. ...

My job is to kinda find all of these blocks in people, or the blocks that are present at that moment they ask me for help,..via my gifts I cant explain what they are other than via my minds eye.. I have this ability to be able to see through things kinda like X-ray vision or under a microscope into their actual auric energy field.. and balance out these areas so that this nerve network can operate as a unified whole,in other words I'm like a conduit to help you see what I see while communicating with you .

It's a tough job sometimes, as some people I cant see anything, others I see entity attachments sucking their life force from them, making them even sick.. but they have no idea why, not even a Dr knows...we humans tend to carry with us quite a bit of residue from negative emotions & not to include the tendrils of parasitic entities collected from the astral realm when going there un- protected by psi shields..in fact some people have no idea what these even are thats why...

Because I'm a full blown empath I have to separate these bad energies from being taken on by myself too,.. as I dont wish to get sick from them... Tough aye, ...yes, but it's work worth doing when you actually help someone & they are so grateful for it...

If I do take on someone else's pain it takes me about a day to get over it, only a few times have I got really sick for more than that...I do hate being a sensitive though that's for sure..

The most common blocks I come across are the ones that are generated from distorted self worth. I have found there's always a series of specific moments in the individuals past that laid the foundation for their incorrect self image. It can be difficult to see ones own light when we remind ourselves regularly of our failures and disappointments. Can we find the balance? Is there a brighter shade of gray?

To begin answering these questions, one needs to examine the word LoVe. This is a very powerful word, one that can determine everything. In many metaphysical or spiritual teachings, the word LoVe is associated with the idea of infinite consciousness. Unity (with the self and with all things) is certainly the bottom line, but establishing this unity in the midst of an abusive/abused mindset, and the subsequent pattern of behavior, can prove to be taxing to say the least. Everything you experience begins and ends with you; a truth hard to look at, but it's a road one needs to travel if one is going to make changes within ones self to be the whole.

Different Personalities Quotes - BrainyQuote


The only people who are intimidated by my strong personality are those who lack self-confidence. You can totally have a strong personality, and still speak your mind and be a considerate person. You are who you are and if people don't like it then that's too bad. You shouldn't make it your problem... they have to learn that being opinionated is not meaning you should be termed as rude, cruel, or ugly... I would rather not be known as somebody who lacks boundaries and is so easy to manipulate & control.

When you actually listen to a person and respond with questions from what they actually say, well they will tell you all sorts of things that normally wouldn't be said if face to face.

Its stuff they gladly let out and feel happier for when online cos they arnt face to face with that person so feel they can do what they wish even if it hurts the other person & this is on the low end scale of emotional abuse...

I'm often amazed at how much people want to talk with me online. Now it makes sense. In a world of all-too-often distracted listening, I'm probably rather rare, I actually listen and then bounce off their words. Unfortunately, this is also quite draining & frustrating for me, as It takes a lot of work to really listen to people! ..and try to address how they think, let alone if they think badly of me for no reason other than their own inability to read a person, and its worse online as no one can hear a persons intent in word syntax....

Being your authentic self

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you different is the greatest achievement - ~Ralph Waldo Emerson.

It’s better to be liked for who you really are than to be liked for who you aren’t. It’s better to be true to yourself and be disliked than to put in a bunch of effort to be something fake and still be rejected anyway.

I used to think I was self-aware but after learning some skills around self-awareness I realised how much more self-aware one can be and I realised that I am a bit more self-absorbed than self-aware sometimes, partially because I have some guilt around how people might perceive me if I truly shed my raw emotions out there and I take solace in the fact that people don't care. Self-aware is not a switch that you can just turn on once you realise it exists in your brain. It is a constant learning process.

Friends made while pretending to be something you’re not are often not very good friends. A good friend is someone you like for who they are, and they like you for who you are. So how can you have good friends if they don’t know you?

I’ve had a lot of friends in my life. Not many of them knew the real me. The ones I still have knew the real me.

And I want you to know, once you’re friends with everyone, you begin to wonder why you ever wanted to be friends with everyone. Some people aren’t worth being friends with. Some people are perfectly okay among their own people, but you realize you don’t want to be in that circle.

And that’s not to say you can only be friends with people similar to you. It’s deeper than that. Just cultivate authenticity in yourself. Be true to yourself. Don’t offer a false self to others. You will find yourself with friends with many things in common, and many interesting differences as well. You will find people you mesh with who are very similar and very different from you, and you won’t get along with people you are very similar to and who you are very different from. But all the people you’re friends with will have one thing in common: they like you. The real you.

There is a person from every corner of the world who could possibly like you, all with completely different things going on. And their neighbors might not be so fond of you. It’s not your fault. No one has to like anyone. It’s good that they don’t have to like you. It means the ones that do like you are more meaningful. Imagine if everyone just had to like you. Then it would be like no one did. Plus, pretending to be something you’re not - you’re hiding from your real friends. You’re actively making it harder for your people to find you.

What about popular people?

Well, most popular people are doing exactly that. Pretending to be something else. It might look fun, but in reality, many popular people feel lonely. It looks like they have a lot of friends, but they don’t feel close to anyone.
Sure, some popular people are liked by many, and seem to have genuine friends. I’ve known people like this, and they’ve been stereotypical popular kids, but curiously, they’ve also been all kinds of other types as well. We all can think of popular people who don’t fit the classic stereotype. In reality, these people are extremely varied. But they all have one thing in common. They’re liked for who they really are. They’re comfortable and genuine and authentic. Chasing popularity won’t guarantee popularity. And if you get it by chasing it, it will probably feel empty. If you instead prioritize being authentic and forging real friendships, never mind the popularity, you’ll have a better chance at becoming popular.

It’s also like how if you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. It takes more effort to try to give everyone everything they want, and you’re less likely to succeed. As opposed to trying to please the people that actually matter & it taking less effort, and its actually being possible. Often, people want contradictory things. You will end up displeasing some by pleasing others.

Also: I was taught when riding in an airplane, you put your face mask on first if the cabin loses pressure. If everyone does the same thing, then no one needs help. But if anyone can’t, then you won’t pass out, and you can help them in turn.

You are a better force for good when you have first fulfilled your own needs. You can help more people if you are stronger.

It’s okay to not be liked by everyone. We spend so much of our lives suppressing ourselves and smothering our passions for fear of judgment that eccentricity would have us be labeled crazy. Such beautiful souls pressed into corners of a room afraid to speak, act let alone sing a song...

We have a lot to learn about our social lives and very rarely does that social life actually teach us.
It's magnificent to see someone speaking on their experience particularly highlighting the triggers in their personal history which caused such repressive self-judgment.

5 Ways to Actually Move Forward on That Task You've Been Avoiding

So lets break this down ..

................. Life on Earth can mean a life sentence for some.. right… guilt can follow us like a shadow…there’s always some form of official societal officer above you…all the protocols ..it feels like a prison sentence having to obey them all aye.. you get what I'm saying here now..

The soft green meadows of youth become twisted into mazes of concrete and steel…taken over by urban jungles of the city lifestyles... 

The security level of your life sentence can range from minimum (privileged and carefree) to maximum (hard time) if you have it “soft” your only worries are falling in line day to day to go to school or work then come home again..
Same routine, living under a protective parental custody… somehow you still want out of it…

but maximum security in the real world  means you deal with violent people, drugs, abusive authority, false friends, bullies & gangs, shortages & restrictions, many limitations, financial struggles & frustrations or options and it becomes like hard labor….
With things like these it’s hard to tell if you are truly “out” or not….. Hence we are caught in the system’s web spiraling down the inner circles of decadence and perdition….for a sentence as long as a traffic jam.. and your not a child anymore your on your own..

Premium Photo | The sky is the limit

Every cars exhaust fumes is a year that grinds by…added with factory smog clouding up high like the smoke from a huge cigar, graffiti on street walls are like the hardened tattoos that tell of many tales of pain, pleasure and penance….
But there is a way out….. Even out of that dark and black depression they call “the hole” followed by 'The Black Dog"...there is a way out…

Techniques to Break Free From a Kidnapper's Restraints | RECOIL OFFGRID

First you must learn how to slip your cuffs… and these handcuffs are your doubts… nothing limits your action more than doubt… as tight as they can be, by reason of conditioning… the strength of optimism can break them… couple this with willpower… and the cuffs of doubt will snap under the power of determination…. however, if you are more cunning, then you have the skill to pick the lock (through meditation)..

Next you must bypass the guardians, there are 2 of them... One will beat you with the club of regret while the other will shock you with the tazer of fear…. Regret hits blunt and hard at the end of the day..
Fear sends an electrical current through your body that paralyses you….

Too often we regret consequences.. And this gives our fear it’s charge…. It makes our self will feel locked up…
You must overcome regret first… overpower this prison type guard by recognizing that whatever mistakes you made in the past, or whichever bad memories you carry… were actually meant to teach you things like morals and lessons etc…

How do we learn the value of human life if not through loss ?

How will you become wise if not by the means of moments you never forget… because once you’ve been to the h ole so to say & been in the dark… light shines much brighter on the outside… this will disarm regret, rising to the level, and once regret is disarmed… you have a ability club to use against fear….

HD wallpaper: man jumping over fence, man jumping on black concrete fence, wall | Wallpaper Flare

Next.. You have to jump the wall… yup which is tall and the uphill struggle out of your situation… but stay calm.. Because anger can cut you up on the inside like the razor wire on top of the wall….

You do this by making a plan ahead of time.. Which is kinda like fashioning a makeshift rope out of your bedding… ( putting together a plan piece by piece and executing it) the next thing is developing a layer of softness on the inside to shield you from anger… to develop this softness… blanket yourself with peaceful thoughts…

even when everything around you is like a hardened environment, your inner peace will blanket you from the cold uncaring world outside…and drift you away into the plane of the spirit..

Where you are free of the shackles of the ordinary man….

Or 'take the time to look up at the sky instead of your feet'..

Look Up At The Sky Day in 2023/2024 - When, Where, Why, How is Celebrated?

And reflect upon life as if it were a passing cloud… unbound by anything beneath it… know that beneath your uniform you are not a number but a person… know that beneath the person..

You are a spirit….

And if a spirit is conditioned into being imprisoned it will never see a day of freedom beyond the walls of confusion…..
The chain gang blues are hard to beat… but keep pumping the iron (working it out) so you develop strength and determination…

you might get caught by the spider a couple of times…

but this serves for you to be ingenuous in your tactics…

So whatever cell block of society you come from…. Walk the line and don't let anyone cross it.

There's Only One Way Forward…. Newton's first law of motion, sometimes… | by David Clemmensen | Medium

There is also a compassionate capitalism credo that goes something like this:-

We believe that when we share our time and experience to help others, we complete the circle of LoVe that leads to our own personal fulfillment and prosperity. Therefore, whenever you grow weary of well doing, remember the law of compensation. In long haul, every gift of time, or energy that you give will return eventually to benefit you.

Practicing empathy that has no heart or conscience will lead to terrible, long-term suffering for all of us, rich and poor alike.
But compassionate empathy, seeing a need and reaching out to meet it, will positively effect the lives of both those who give and those who receive. We all know how good it feels to be on the receiving end, but sometimes forget the other half of the universal promise.
Those who work hard and give generously of their time, and experience will receive back many times what they have given for their deeds to.


By now you know that I believe that empathy is the one great economic hope for the world.
But I believe as well that heeding this law of compensation, practicing compassionate capitalism, is the only way we will ever see that hope realised...

And I am not alone in this belief I think... 

Even the loudest defenders of capital systems have praised this encyclical for going beyond questions of economics to those of morality and values.

Capitalism is springing up around the globe in many new varieties, nevertheless, whatever kind we practice, I am convinced that there is just one principle that we can trust to guide us every step of the way.
The principle is compassion, it doesn't matter where you live, or how the free enterprise system works in your country.
If we are to save the world from economic chaos, hardships, unhappiness and despair to suicide thoughts in some even, we must all discover (or should I say re-discover) compassionate empathy for ourselves & others.
We must be compassionate with the air above and the ground below, the seas, forests, deserts, and all the life within them.
we must be compassionate with the products we choose to develop and market, and with the facilities we build or lease.
Ok compassionate empathy helps us make a difference, when you take action against suffering of any kind, your life begins to count for something. Through action you make your mark in the world.

As the old proverb says:-  "Footprints in the sands of time are not made by sitting down".

If we are afraid to get a little sand in our shoes, it is un-likely that we will make a mark.

But if you take action and forge ahead, you will make a difference, your path may not be straight, in fact most people take a lot of detours, get lost from time to time, double back occasionally, and yes, sit down once in a while.
But by taking action, you leave a trail of good deeds that can be looked back on with pride. You can say with satisfaction, "I've done something that counts".
Compassion now will help save us in the future,..There is a selfish side to helping those who cannot help themselves. Such service may also prove to be very much in our self-interest. If we go on allowing others to suffer without reaching out to help, our comfortable worlds may be overturned.

I don't for a moment sanction the rioting and looting weve seen in our cities from the totally desperate ones, but we have to acknowledge the troubling fact that too many of our brothers & sisters in this great nation are beginning to believe that they have no way to help themselves. They have inferior educational opportunities and inadequate health care for their children. They feel disenfranchised, cut off from even the possibility of ever gaining earning power and privilege. Their lives are miserable and they have nothing to pass to their children but the legacy of suffering. 

National would ban gang patches, give police new powers | RNZ News

Can we blame them then that they turn to crime. Who cant figure out why they feel angry and seek vengeance?.. Who can blame them if one day they strike back with violence or bloodshed? It is time for those of us with resources to share what we have generously with those who have nothing... Give generously wont you, it may be you in the same situation one day...

Believe that when we share our time and experience to help others, we complete the circle of love that leads to our own personal fulfillment and prosperity. Therefore, whenever you grow weary of well doing, remember the law of compensation. In long haul, every gift of time, or energy that you give will return to benefit you.

Practising empathy that has no heart or conscience will lead to terrible, long-term suffering for all of us, rich and poor alike.
But compassionate empathy, seeing a need and reaching out to meet it, will positively effect the lives of both those who give and those who receive. We all know how good it feels to be on the receiving end, but sometimes forget the other half of the universal promise.
Those who work hard and give generously of their time, and experience will receive back many times what they have given for their deeds to.. there is heaps more to this Credo but that's just a except, but you get the idea..

Man standing on shore photo – Free Man Image on Unsplash

Since LoVe, at it's very core, is the result of unity, our first objective must be to unify all of the things that make us what we are.. right?...

The process of unification comes in 2 steps; Understanding & Acceptance.

First, understanding: When we discover the root of any negative, we automatically disperse any real power that it has. Negativity can only thrive through ignorance; not knowing, not understanding. It's the ignorance of these roots that cause us to feel fragmented or broken... and what causes us to lash out at others and ourselves. Introspection is the key to understanding these roots. We need to understand how it all began for us; why do you get angry or depressed when faced with certain situations? Why do you retreat when you hear certain words? Why do you blame yourself for things beyond your immediate control?

We should ask ourselves these questions and take the time to reflect on the answers. Try to reserve some time for you, some quiet time if that's possible. When the answers come, or perhaps deeper revelations of something you were already aware of, a releasing of sorts will happen. This is how we begin to develop compassion toward the self. This is a beginning. Compassion for who you are and what you may have been through is an important step in reclaiming to take back your own power.

Now, for the second step; acceptance: This word is probably the most rejected in the English language in regards to overcoming a traumatic event, as if it were to mean "I'm good with it." Clearly, no one likes the idea of showing any kind of respect to pain, at least not right away. We are not throwing a fake smile at something we wished never happened, we are only approaching the roots of our dis-ease by simply acknowledging it as a part of the whole. The world and everything in it is a product of light and dark, and we humans are no different. Inch by inch, one moment at a time, we integrate these "seemingly" opposing forces through basic compassion and acknowledgement, until eventually we no longer lash out at ourselves or others when faced with stressful situations, even though some urges may linger a bit. The master understands others because he understands himself. This balancing through compassion will always lead to unity, the root of LoVe... and remember; the LoVe you hold back is the pain that you carry.

On Our inner selves:-

It's quite frustrating to be aware of an issue like this, and honestly very overwhelming too. If who you are is actually an uncertain being - if that's what you've lived by your whole life - who are you really then? If it's so deeply rooted within you to blend in and adapt a little too well for the well being of both you and others (or so you think), it's almost impossible to have a strong sense of your own identity - because it's so fluid, and it has always been like that.

We also don't want to get out of sync with others - that's why we're so good at adapting to stay "likeable" or to be the people pleasers to others. The real challenge is to be able to be both - be in touch and in movement with others, open in relationships - but also know where we stand and feel secure in who we are. It's difficult to navigate in - when to protest, when to negotiate, when to stand up - when everything you are have always been dependent on the validation of others.

I'm in this journey myself and it's incredibly tiring to try and feel into something that's completely natural to others - and many can't relate to the scale in which you operate. And when you really start pursuing your own identity, you run out of excuses - you're naked and vulnerable when you can't hide behind the opinion of others. I'm afraid of that leap, and have been for a long time, but I also know it's worth it. The few times I can feel the "real me" peak out - and when I stand up for her - is when I feel the best and the strongest. It is when we're vulnerable and real with each other that actual magic happens.

And it's not easy being that real - subconsciously you might be shying away from opportunities for you to shine, because then you have to live up to something you actually care about - and that's scary...

If you have read through this whole thing, thank you for your time & patience- and if you're in a similar situation as I am, I wish you all the strength and durability to continue this journey. Just as I also choose to wish it for myself.

Raven Leads My Way Again..

~Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən 


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All images google searched & belong to their respective owners, unless stated otherwise.

Continue to Part 2:-here

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Comment by ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። on July 31, 2024 at 1:53pm

You dont have to apologise about butting in on a forum Tara, as thats what these forums are for, they are a continuous conversation on a topic of the article posted.. back n forth between members who wish to express their opinions & views on things, this way they learn things, sense a comfort or get healing etc..

Comment by Tara on July 31, 2024 at 9:09am

Sorry to butt in on the convo but just to say I know what you mean! I feel the same! Thanks for allowing me to listen in, oh my gosh!  I can’t really put into words my experience/s but I can say I am so grateful for the protection of my animals and having some who understand to learn from in life. It’s so lonely for me in some ways!! I am not a SliDer. I feel very connected and yet must remain safe so I am alone

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። on July 30, 2024 at 8:27pm

Yes being a full on empath can often feel like a curse, but a gift at the same time.. People used to hate seeing me smile all the time. They would always ask me "why are you always smiling". I never knew how to answer them or why they were even bothered by it. I eventually started to realise people were envious of me appearing to be happy. I had to wrestle with being an empath and feeling so deeply for along time. Always being kind, loving and honest with people, while they lied and took advantage of me...I'd spend hours trying to help them to get through their troubles, or learn stuff on their spiritual path etc.., only to find out they were totally sucking my energy totally, ...my long time female friend online was watching this happening and it annoyed her one day to the point she eventually stepped in and spoke up in my defense,... and told this one particular person to stop using me as their own sounding board like they were in total victim mentality & just cos they knew I'd give them my time.. they were taking advantage of my kind heartedness....and she was right though I was just way too humble, way too giving & thus being a sucker as she put it.. I learnt a lot after that, now I have the opposite, they hate it that I set boundaries lol I'm in a catch 22 situation..

Comment by Julie on July 29, 2024 at 2:32am

Yes I've noticed that on occasion Vlada if someone is ill/lacking in energy.....I noticed an actual physical sensation of someone pulling the energy from my solar plexus and also on another occasion a feeling like tentacles of energy wrapping around me, or even someone starting an argument to engage my energy or acting up to create a drama for me to deal with, or the other option is "the silent treatment" or saying they can't hear me and that I talk too quietly.  I've tried various methods to control this, one you told me about is the mirror one.  When I weighted this one up I've found that I mirror naturally, I thought back and noticed that people have a tendency to say to me what they do, so perhaps they see themselves in my mirror.  With one friend I do telepathy chats and tell them that particular behaviour isn't acceptable, if that doesn't work I'm direct.  What probably is a good way at the present is loving someone and accepting them but nurturing them at the same time, adding positivity to a negative behaviour seems to dilute the negative vibe.  Keeping your ground is good or taking on a task in another room to distract what's happening.  

I've noticed when a persons energy is high/normal then there is more of a flow and I'm not wondering why all the time.  The flip side of this is that I feel the good vibes energetically too.  Like you I learned that some particular behaviours are the other person trying to find their way, some find it, some aren't ready to find it because perhaps they are teachers in some kind of way so that we can learn to place the boundaries to their particular behaviours.  I don't always find this easy because to my reckoning if everyone loved/communicated first then everything would flow in an easier way.

Yes on other counts too, I always used to know when a particular long distance friend was depressed as a sudden feeling of depression would wash over me then it was gone, it worked as some kind of calling card, like a signature of their energy at certain times.  

I've also had a few electrical anomalies but not to the degree you've had Vlada.  The most often one I've experienced is from cars, like an electric shock when I touched the door.  I haven't noticed this recently with the car I have now though, 12mths into having it.  Could have been something to do with the cars perhaps?

I'll have to look on link at SLiDer 

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። on July 27, 2024 at 6:24pm

The skills you actually learnt in these positions you held is probably why its easier for you to really understand and see into people on a deeper level maybe..

The thing about these gifts people have is that anyone can have them and they don't belong to the people who have them, we only have them temporarily and it doesn't make us special we're just the latest to be given the mantle. Eventually they will pass on to someone else. There is a rule for them though, never deny them, and never abuse them for personal gain that's not what they're for as it comes to you naturally no effort required.. 

I am just a regular looking guy, nothing special, but domestic animals, birds, dogs, cats, babies and kids stare at me 100% of the time when I am near them. When I go to a shop and no one is in it, about 90% of the time the store becomes crowded within minutes after I enter. I find parking spaces during the most busy times almost anywhere, very close to my destination. If I am in need of something, I am blessed with receiving what I need in the nick of time.,, and other crazy electrical abnormalities, so I looked into this and found out I'm termed something thats know as a SLiDer ,...

I stuff technology, I cant wear a digital watch they fry and stuff up within a day of wearing them.. all these things to do with electricity, I noticed happening and they are not coincidences, I dont believe in the term even, everything is connected and happens for a reason..I also find people feeling they can open up to me and I can be trusted, so they fill me with their woes & worries etc so I also tend to feel extremely drained when around some people and sometimes for absolutely no apparent reason have occasionally felt the need to cry or have cried when passing someone, speaking to someone or giving them something. The feeling just comes over me unexpectedly, so yeah could say I'm a sensitive full empath..

It took me almost 20 years to figure out what certain people were doing to me when I'd always feel drained and tired after being around certain people.....they were actually feeding off of my energy like vampires...have you ever felt like that around certain people, usually its those types who are always negative, or seeking solace from you.. and being in victim mentality over something... One day I took a stand however and said no never again, I know I'm a people pleaser because I'm a humble person.. but I'm setting down boundaries from now on & I'm speaking out and not letting them do this to me and they hated it, still do... they now would term me as rude or arrogant cos they dont ever look at themselves in the process when I placed these boundaries.. and yet when I did this, it was like suddenly this electricity reaching from the ground and back into me.... It was like all the bad energy just left me and was replaced with the energy that had been taken from me. Now I can sense bad vibes from a mile away...

I notice online when people cant follow simple directions in doing things as the first sign, using excuses to distract away from reading... the second is not reading & bouncing off of the others words in response like we do.. some people just cant do this, they dont even read a persons words,.. sometimes I would feel like I was going crazy, then I realised its all about them only...I was just a sounding board for them to do it to..

Comment by Julie on July 27, 2024 at 2:45am

Ahhh yes sounds like the smoke must have come from the leaves, perhaps check again next season to see if the smoke is there in springtime.

"Loving yourself is indeed a journey. It takes time and a lot of patience." - it is for sure Vlada

and getting to know our self in full takes a lifetime and maybe even beyond

The first part of my career was working for the Council which I went back to after working on the Manpower Services.

I worked for a time with teenagers on work placements for the Manpower Services, writing out reports and doing interviews, but most of my career after that was working with young ones through having a son.  Mum helper in school/playgroup and then paid playgroup job, then childminding for a few years.

Comment by ënagualí~ᏉLAᗪἇ ኔጡ። on July 27, 2024 at 1:06am

Oh I was on Primrose Hill this morning and looked at the smoking tree that now has no leaves, so its not smoking anymore..so it has to do with the leaves the tree has most likely???


As for my words, these are general observations from being around people, even online I witness this mindset. I think our authentic selves need some good reminders in the importance of the simple things that have more meaning than sometimes the madness we are seeing happening on our social media pc screens as well as our reality too..

In my line of work I come across many teens in this society that puts a lot of pressure on people to be a certain way and doesn't want people to express their true authentic selves. Liam taught me this as this is how he found me to be ...So for people who are naturally deviant from what is considered 'normaI', there is even more pressure. I have tried hard to show them too how to be someone. I show them how to spend time in nature, with themselves, animals and people who appreciate them for who they are, so they learn to be authentic and express their true nature to love themselves,.. even the roughest gang member can have a hurt inner child and thats why they act out... As Loving yourself is indeed a journey. It takes time and a lot of patience. There is no destination; it is simply a journey that keeps taking you deeper and deeper into yourself, an infinite exploration. In all of our 'difficult' parts, those that we try to avoid, lie great treasures. Sometimes we have to face those difficulties first before we discover the treasures. This can be painful and scary process, but in the end it's always worth it... 

Comment by Julie on July 26, 2024 at 2:41am

"the LoVe you hold back is the pain that you carry." ~ I've not heard this spoken of before 

"It is when we're vulnerable and real with each other that actual magic happens."

You've learned a lot Vlada

I keep meaning to ask you...what happened to the smoking tree in winter time

Multi Dimensional Reality

The world as you know it - all that you see, taste, feel and touch, comprises only about 5% of all of the stuff of the universe. The other 95% is what we have considered "nothing" or the "firmament"  or dark matter or the heavens or mystic Other Worlds. This 95% is multi-dimensional and consists of potential realities that may be perceived.

A single thought...a mere whisper, ...... barely upon a breeze that catches a spark... all is tinder before the firestorm... and yet.
ONLY that whisper
ONLY that thought
 the world is forever changed beyond the fears and dreams of cardboard men.
Freedom and change starts within:
It is encouraged by truth and courage of people who love
Built by the respect of true beings standing as one before each other.
Lets us cross every man made borders
without fear stare into eyes and hearts of all our brothers and sisters: within our words without shouting,or force to hold each to our truths; and let us without fear freely share what works...

Written By Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.

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