There are multiple dimensions in which we live simultaneously. The Elven place, the Other World, Tir na n'Og or by many names these "places" have been called are not places as we know them in this dimension, but vibrations, like song, where you can travel, not in your mind but in your heart.
What you see, feel and know is perceived by many; "seen" or felt or simply known; all of the perceptions of the Elven and the Fae, the rainbow light, in human form or nature or nature devas, all…
Added by Tara on November 30, 2009 at 11:08pm —
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There is no guidance that is not your own choice because your choices are all blessed, we are honoring your sense of choice. At the same time there are many here like you who have come at this time for the joy of living in this powerful time and for the journey of focusing together to balance with, for and within Earth energy. So you might say the importance of focusing energy through meditations, developing your skills of listening (psychic, it is sometimes called) not for speaking to the dead…
Added by Tara on November 27, 2009 at 10:40pm —
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Perhaps in the crop circles are messages... and if so what are they? Perhaps there is guidance there.... May I ask if you are looking, to feel the message in your heart. Perhaps their beauty takes us a step beyond mathematics and science to the realm of the heart. Are these expressions of love from Elven ascended masters? Aren't they expressions of love, hope and harmony? If the contemplation of them brings you joy, reverence for the exquisiteness of life, have they served their purpose?
Added by Tara on November 27, 2009 at 10:22pm —
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Nidlongdir News Nov. 2009-11-15
Dear Friend,
I am very pleased to tell you that the Kaputs Caves have opened. The leader of the Kaputs Caves, Mr. Tandrill, asked me to invite you to come and visit the caves, he will personally give you a guided tour in the caves.
It warms my heart to tell you that the OFN…
Added by Marianne Mathiasen on November 15, 2009 at 3:07pm —
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Nidlongdir News Nov. 2009-11-15
Dear Friend,
I am very pleased to tell you that the Kaputs Caves have opened. The leader of the Kaputs Caves, Mr. Tandrill, asked me to invite you to come and visit the caves, he will personally give you a guided tour in the caves.
It warms my heart to tell you that the OFN…
Added by Marianne Mathiasen on November 15, 2009 at 3:07pm —
1 Comment
The days are getting shorter and shorter every week here in Denmark. The Northern wind is howling in the tree tops and the nights are bitterly cold. Last night my apple trees dropped their last brown leaves in the heavy storm coming from the north. I couldn’t sleep, because some branches were banging on the roof. My bag door blow up and I had to go to the backside of the house to secure it. As I turned…
Added by Marianne Mathiasen on November 10, 2009 at 2:18am —
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Perhaps you will find the discoveries by Greg Braden of interest to you in your Elven path. Rather than explaining these myself, I urge you to look at the videos posted here and make your own further search from a scientist who is clearly a friend to us in like-minded thinking. His discoveries translate what you know at many levels into scientific terminology that you may find easier to communicate to others who speak in these terms. You will perhaps find some new information or validating…
Added by Tara on November 8, 2009 at 12:30pm —
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I have discovered that connection to the Earth -- directly through hands and feet, skin, can reduce pain and balance. I think the Earth's shifts and movements coupled with so much electronic equipment can be rough... I am working daily to focus my mind, heart and ground my body to the Earth. What are your thoughts on this?
Added by Tara on November 4, 2009 at 4:28pm —
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Each year on Halloween night I enjoy sitting out on the front porch and talking to the children who come to “trick or treat”. I wear something special and keep a pendulum with me. (You know – a pendulum is a stone or gem at the end of a chain that moves in response to questions based on mental, not physical, energy. ) I often ask them if they would like to have their “fortune told” using the pendulum.
Well, of course, most say yes. So they hold the pendulum still with their small hands,…
Added by Tara on November 3, 2009 at 4:09pm —
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I've deleted my Twitter account because the site does not work for me.
People keep trying to add me and they can't, I get the message in my inbox and when I click on it it says"
Sorry, you can't access this in the way you've tried.
If you think this is an error, you can try getting help or contacting support.
Stupid site, don't have time or a care in the world to figure it out..if it's not self explainitory..then I don't care much to figure it out.
Added by Robert Denham on November 3, 2009 at 10:02am —
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